So I decided to get myself walking and hiking again and to combine biking and hiking.
Since there is no bikes allowed on the hiking trails I would need to have a safe place to lock up my bike when I'm hiking and I have solved that problem.
Griffith Park is a huge and there are miles and miles of hiking trails and roads to bike on.
I like the trails off of Fern Dell Drive directly across from the Trails Cafe.
Fern Dell is off of Los Feliz Blvd. in Hollywood where Western Ave. and Los Feliz Blvd connect.
Note: Los Feliz Blvd in that area is dangerous for biking stay on the sidewalk if at all possible.
Fern Dell Dr. at Los Feliz Blvd.
Trails Cafe.
(a short but somewhat steep ride up the hill from Los Feliz Blvd on Fern Dell Dr.)
Healthy vegan food, drinks, coffee all prepared on site. Great atmosphere, music, friendly laid back people work there, it's the best kept secret in Hollywood and the place where I park my bike when I go for a hike.
When you come back from your hike you've arrived at the perfect spot to relax and get something to drink and eat. They sell doggie biscuits and have free water for dogs and humans.
Open every day except Monday.
A popular resting place is the Tree Trunk Bench at the Trails Cafe. The owner hired me to build it--have a sit on me.
My bike locked to the railing next to the Trails Cafe. Out in the open plenty of people around - not your usual bike theft location and so I feel it is safe.
Before we enter the Magic Forrest here is (a rather ugly looking) reminder there is no biking on the off road dirt trails.
Welcome to the Shire!
Your journey is about to begin- do you have the ring?
The trees at the beginning of the trail are
magnificent! I recommend you spend some time
getting to know them.
Take the trail to the right on your way up.
About 3/4 of the way up the trail is this tree off to the left. It slopes away from the trail and is easy to climb (you can practically walk up it like stairs) so occasionally I will hang out there for a spell - give it a go if you dare.
Dogs are allowed on these trails. You'll see all kinds of dogs on the trails from huge beasts to tiny little toy dogs making the climb. I admit I do get a kick out of seeing the pocket sized ones going for it.
Right before you get to the top of the loop is a short cut which I call the goat trail that looks more difficult than it is. For a non-rock climber it may be intimidating but I find it is easier and less work to walk up then to take the longer route up the trail. The rocks make for interesting and easy to follow steps and before you know it you are at the top - try it and see for yourself.
Just past the short cut/goat trail you'll be at the top of the loop. You can turn around and go back the way you came or continue around the loop and then down returning to where you started or continue up the trail to your right which will take you all the way to the observatory and the great views of the city.
Since I was a bit out of hiking shape and pressed for time this was as far as I went today.
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